New Radio Gear For Some SARA Members!
Fitzgerald Crew 2012
Ice Station WØJH 2014
2023 Simonet Memorial Award
2014 SARA Officers
2017 SARA Officers
SARA Field Day 2011
Release to Listen Award 2013
Split Rock Lighthouse 2012
2019 SARA Executive Officers

April’s Signals from SARA springs forth despite winter’s lingering grasp

Despite snowstorms that just won’t quit, the staff has completed the April Signals from SARA and it is now available for you to download and enjoy. In this issue: April’s meeting features special guest Paul Bittner WØAIH, renowned DXer & Contester as he shares his lifetime of experiences; Bandwidth from the President share some thoughts about the digital modes and sharing the frequencies; a brief recap of the WØJH Ice Station Special Event; a few members have some gear for sale; AGØH shares his Bitx40 builder challenge; KDØIPI shares the first update in the SARA International Grid Chase Challenge; and “The State of the Art” shares some thoughts on the upcoming QST.

For those using readers, here’s the text file: Signals_04_18_Final